Celebrating our 30th year 1994 - 2024
To all of our valued business partners:
We regret to inform you that EAGLE Instruments & Controls, Inc. has shut down our operations effective December 31, 2024. Despite our best efforts to sustain the business, the ongoing market volatility and unforeseen economic circumstances resulting from two back-to-back hurricanes and other factors, have forced us to make this difficult decision.
* * * Time to retire! * * *
Our primary focus is to ensure a smooth transition for all of our customers. We are committed to keeping our website and email address active through the end of 2025, to allow access for everyone to get help moving on to another supplier.
As you can imagine, after 30 years in business; we have developed many close relationships with the other Distributors & Mod Centers around the country that do what we do and therefore we would appreciate the opportunity to assist you by acting as a go between to get you setup with a new supplier. We can advise the suggested new supplier as to what products you use as well as what price level you require and help them with any credit questions that they may have about your company.
We wish to extend our deepest appreciation for your trust and loyal partnership throughout these 30 years in business. It has been a pleasure having all of you as members of Eagles family of fine customers.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Gary Burnside, General Manager Mark Lastra, President and CFO